The Noble Brains Academy believes that all students have a right to a safe and healthy school environment. We have an obligation to promote mutual respect, tolerance, and acceptance. This policy aims to produce a consistent school response to any bullying incidents that may occur.

We will not tolerate behaviour that infringes on the safety of any student. A student shall not intimidate, harass, or bully another student through words or actions. Such behaviour includes: direct physical contact, such as hitting or shoving; verbal assaults, such as teasing or name-calling; and social isolation or manipulation.

At Noble Brains Academy, bullying is unacceptable and can damage children’s individual and educational needs. We will therefore do all we can to prevent it, by developing a school ethos in which bullying is not tolerated under any circumstances (see our behaviour policy).

We aim to make all those connected with the school aware of our opposition to bullying, and we make clear each person’s responsibilities with regard to the eradication of bullying in our school.

Noble Brains Academy expects students and/or staff to immediately report incidents of bullying to the Head of School. Staff who witness such acts take immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so. Each complaint of bullying should be promptly investigated. This policy applies to students on school grounds, while traveling to and from school or a school-sponsored activity, during the breakfast or lunch period, whether on or off campus, and during a school-sponsored activity.

To ensure bullying does not occur on school campuses, Noble Brains Academy will provide staff development training in bullying prevention and cultivate acceptance and understanding in all students and staff to build their capacity to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment.

Our teachers must discuss this policy with their students in age-appropriate ways and should assure them that they need not endure any form of bullying. Students who bully are in violation of this policy and are subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.

At Noble Brains Academy, we will:

Reporting bullying:

While on school grounds, or when traveling to and from school or a school-sponsored activity, and during breakfast or lunch period, whether on or off campus, our students are expected to follow the established Student Code of Conduct. This includes, but is not limited to:

Reporting bullying:

The Noble Brains Academy recognises the following three common aspects in most definitions of bullying:

We also recognise the following as Forms of Bullying:

Preventing, Identifying and Responding to Bullying:

All staff, students and parents of Noble Brains Academy will receive a summary of this policy prohibiting intimidation and bullying: at the beginning of the school year, as part of the Student Handbook, as part of new student orientation, and as part of the school system’s notification to parents.

The School will make reasonable efforts to keep a report of bullying and the results of investigation confidential. Staff who witness acts of bullying shall take immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so. People witnessing or experiencing bullying are strongly encouraged to report the incident; such reporting will not reflect on the target or witnesses in any way.

At Noble Brains Academy, we will:

Specific support to students:

We will:

Liaison with Parents and Carers

We will:


This Policy only works if it ensures that the whole school community understands that bullying is not tolerated and understands the steps that will be taken to both prevent and respond to bullying.

It is the responsibility of:

The role of the Head teacher:

The role of the teacher:

This Policy only works if it ensures that the whole school community understands that bullying is not tolerated and understands the steps that will be taken to both prevent and respond to bullying.

Monitoring and review:

This policy is monitored on a day-to-day basis by the Head teacher, who reports to governors about the effectiveness of the policy on request.

This anti-bullying policy is the governors’ responsibility and they review its effectiveness annually. They do this by examining the school’s anti-bullying logbook, and by discussion with the Headteacher.

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