The Noble Brains Academy curriculum for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) aligns with the British-Nigerian Statutory Framework for learning and development requirements which comprises seven areas of learning and development. We strongly uphold that good parenting and high quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.

In order to build a solid foundation for igniting curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and thriving, we groom our pupils in three prime areas—communication and language, physical development, personal, and social and emotional development. These three prime areas are strengthened through specific support and development of pupils in literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design.


Our EYFS is divided into three groups: Pre-Nursery (2 – 3 years), Nursery (3 – 4 years) and Reception (4 – 5 years).

Pre-Nursery (2 - 3 years)

In this stage, we focus on developing our pupils in five (5) core areas—fine motor skills, listening skills, basic needs, social skills and conflict resolution, and Free, unstructured play. These areas are designed to develop pupils socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually.

We deploy Montessori activities in developing a pupil’s senses, character, practical life skills, and academic ability. This includes basic learning of letters and sounds, names of colours, shapes, body parts, numbers and counting, cutting and drawing, socialising and sharing, safety measures, and water and environmental sanitation.

Nursery (3 - 4 years)

At this level, we acknowledge and monitor the special talent and unique learning style by each pupil, while taking into cognizance that pupils develop and learn in different ways and at different rates, just as all areas of learning and development are equally important.

Our Nursery curriculum focuses on offering a safe, caring learning environment, which promotes physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being, with good communications skills. This includes targeted academic and co-curricular programmes that focus on developing pupils in key literacy and basic numeracy skills, basic science knowledge, creative art and craft skills, physical and health education, computing, seasonal creativity skills, song and rhymes, story-telling interests, as well as a general knowledge and understanding of the world.

Reception (4 – 5 years)

Pupils in Reception, develop the ability to become independent and capable learners for life, while we focus on encouraging and supporting them in skills and attitudes like willingness to have a go and try something new; making links and connections between their learning; finding more than one way of doing something; conceptualising personal ideas; persisting in the face of challenge; and being proud of how they achieve something. We align strategy and focus towards other learning skills that pupils need in order to access the learning that takes place later on in primary classes.

In Reception, we raise the standards for the learning, development, and care for the pupils. We organise learning into three key areas of learning: communication and language, physical development, and personal and social development. Also, through co-curricular activities, pupils are as well provided with opportunities to choose activities that appeal to them, and to follow their own particular interests.

Our pupils’ specific areas of learning at Reception focus on language and literacy, computing, social studies, mathematics, arts and design, IRS/CRS, handwriting, physical and health education, practical life science, song and rhymes, story-telling.

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