Our Philosophy

Noble Brains Academy (NBA) principle will be translated into action in the school’s structure, internal planning processes, compensation systems, strategic decisions and provide tangible guide in times of crisis.

Noble Brains Academy’s (NBA) principle will be translated into action in the school’s structure, internal planning processes, compensation systems, strategic decisions and provide tangible guide in times of crisis. NBA will work to make a contribution to the society; engaging constant research and development of unique learning methodologies to groom prospective trail blazing leaders, who will discover, transform, develop and donate their geniuses to the world; and derive appropriate returns from providing real satisfaction to the pupils/parents.

We believe that our first responsibility is to the pupils, students and parents. They must be treated with patience, consistency and fairness. We believe that the quality of education is enhanced if staff, parents and children respect each other. Our services must always be of the highest quality. Educational research must be carried on, adventurous programs and activities developed, new learning equipment purchased, new learning facilities built, new services launched, and new enrolment plan developed. Every child has the right to receive a quality education.

We must foster a love for learning and the importance of pride in our very best efforts. All children have skills and it is our responsibility to support and guide them towards achieving their maximum potential. We must identify and teach to the individual needs of all children. We must engage active learning environment that promote creative and solution-proven thinking skills. We must promote an atmosphere where children develop responsibility for their behaviour and learning. We believe that it is the parents’ responsibility to ensure children are clean, well-rested, well-fed and mentally ready to participate in the learning process.

Our second responsibility is to the staff who work with us. They must have a sense of security in their jobs. Wage must be fair and adequate. Management shall be just, hours reasonable and working conditions clean and orderly. Our staff must have an organised system for suggestion and complaints. There must be opportunity for advancement for those qualified and each person must be considered an individual standing on his own dignity and merit. The motivating factor in NBA will not be money but rather sense of pride and accomplishment that come from delivering its real quality of educational services. We strongly believe that taking super care of our employees will advance outstanding pupil/parent value. We will bring out the great energies and talents of our employees.

Our third responsibility is to our management. Our Executives must be persons of unquestionable character, talent, educationally-oriented, academically-experience and novel ability. They must be persons of common sense and full of understanding. We must experiment with new ideas.

Our fourth responsibility is to the community in which we operate. We must be a good citizen by supporting good works, promoting civic improvement, health and education, while bearing our fair share of tax.

We are determined with the help of God’s grace to fulfil these obligations to the best of our ability.

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